Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Do democraaats Really Hate Crhistians? : Of Course, democraaats Hate Everyone!

The nation founded on the principle of freedom and the liberty to choose. A nation of good citizens that believe they have a Constitutional right, the first amendment, to have the freedom to be who and whatever they want to be. 

But the Marxist liberated democraaats cannot and will not tolerate people who have a God that isn't like their god, government, and therefore they and their God must be controlled or destroyed.

The Marxist democraaats are after the people to force them to heel to their god, only Trump stands in their way of success.

Truly, the democraaats are determined to destroy any
connection of a God that leads them, the people to prosperity
and freedom. If their God wins, all is lost for the democraaats!

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