Thursday, May 16, 2024

How Did Kamala Become AG of San Francsico? : And Was Job Security Parmount?

Interesting history of her rise to power and what she had to do to climb the ladder of influence to be just a heat beat or stubble from being the most powerful person in the world.

Some of the more energetic reporters tried to find her California mentor, Willy Brown but sadly he has found some secluded place to hide. The news media is interested in his history as well with a former employee of his, San Fransico Ag Kamala Harris when he was mayor.

Rumors are something all politicians have to deal with but in this case it's a national situation that might taint her final rise to the big job. The question now is what was their relationship while he was mayor and how much personal contact did she have that kept her in the job as Ag?

Just what was her history with the mayor and to what 
extent did she rely on him for job security!

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