Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Inflation Has Flown Says Joe Yesterday! : ''Trust Me! No Joke''? Vote democraaat!!

Demanding we trust him is a strange thing given the statement comes from a source that has no credibility. None! Joe's history tells us he is still lying and still stealing us all blind of everything we hold dear!

Joe is cartoonist depiction of a real person running its mouth saying things that other people put there. And yet millions want a fantasy as the reality is just too stressful and debilitating. When living with a lie like Joe is a generational thing, waking up to smell the coffee is very difficult and for many, impossible.

But never mind any of that, actually having to make a rational decision about your future that doesn't appear in your phone can't be anything of worth. It's called ''social media'' for a reason as it is designed to relieve you of any personal responsibility for who you are but still have to accept the results for what you have done at the urging of your betters who you are allowing to control you!

Now don't you feel better knowing you aren't alone?

Always vote democraaat, everyone else you know is! Hey, what can go wrong?


What's wrong with the price of food is up to20% and 
gas nearly 40%! Who cares! The lights are still on and
and my phone still works!!

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