Friday, May 17, 2024

What About The Ivy League? : A league of Their Own?

 If there is a plus side to the riots at the Ivy League schools all across the country, it points out vividly just how self-contained and completely absorbed in their own beliefs that they are authors of reality. There cannot be any other reality after decades if not generations of developing the ideas they are the center of the education universe and therefore the final abatures of truth. 

But what they have established for themselves is a cage that has locked them in a morass of people unaware of the intellectual rot they have created for themselves and therefore now the people see the destruction and want no part of it any longer.

The final identity they have made for themselves in the ivory tower is, ''When ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise''! 

Worse, it can't be repaired!

The university has made their bed and find there's no where
else to sleep but among the rubble!

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