Friday, December 27, 2024

Why The Government Can't Be Trusted! : They Don't Live Here!

 How is it possible that we are still discussing, debating or wondering why the drones are unexplained? Even other countries are beginning to question America's ability to govern itself when they see something so obvious as the night sky being invaded by unknow flying objects that go unsolved for months!

Europeans ask, America doesn't care about its own security?

The speculation is the drones are Chianese and the Biiyden administration is being paid to allow them to fly over the country much like the ballon a few years ago. How much did the Biiyden family get for that breach of national security?

Remember the pet squirrel the guy had for more than
seven years and then a pet raccoon he let run in his
house, but the government decided he was breaking'
some laws so came and took them by force and had 
them euthanized?

This man even had a sanctuary business for animals
of all kinds, even horses but that wasn't good enough to
 allow him to keep the squirrel and raccoon
in the house!!!???

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