Saturday, December 28, 2024

Really, Why Did The democraaats Lose?

 It must be Occam's Razor that's required to explain why they last the election, and that means we have to have the simplest answer. It was because they had nothing to offer that will make the lives of the people better. They are without form or substance.

The democraaats are formless, totally transparent, a gasses substance that drifts in the wind, floating from place to place but with no actual destination. Their only contribution to the nation is providing a fog of cripple despair while accumulating as much power as possible for controlling all outcomes. 

It's the old stand by for the democraaats, if the first lie doesn't
work, then tell a bigger one!

And as the Republican already have the high ground
on workable policies for Making America Great Again,
the democraaats have really nowhere to go but back into
the sewer of deceptive corruption where they came from!

They can run and hide but their exposure to reality is total!

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