Monday, December 30, 2024

A Lost Effort by And for Marxist democraaats! : Basic Economics!!

 Anything that is beneficial to the advancement of the general civil society, the people, is understood to be a nonstarter foe Marist democraaats as it gives too much independence to people who might decide then to leave the Marxist liberated democraaat collective to live by their own freedom to choose their own destinies!

The very foundation of Capitalism!

Whether it's guns or bread for Marxists, it's always what's best for the socialist government, the final authority for all things material and spiritual!

The Marxist collective is easy for many people to 
understand and join. All decisions are made by
the ruling class who hold the levers of power.

For many also among us that want to be controlled by
an overreaching authorly want it that way. They
actually want to be dominated and controlled by others!
Life is just easier and less complicated that way!

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