Friday, November 29, 2024

Who Really Are Liberated democraaats? : Power to The People?

 By the way, what's the difference between a screaming Nazi man and a left screaming woman? They it appears to be the very back bone of the Marxist communist collective. and it doesn't take much to unerstand their agenda on television as they are everywhere and, in all aspects of American life!

Education, politics and even comedy. They resent this idea of individual freedom as they are convinced, they are leaders of the cause for uniting a divided country! those who hate the country and those that love it!

Also, it's not nice to call them communist after all! They are all just good democraaats!

But wait, someone has risen to the top of the charts of late declaring they, the ''democraaats'' are a danger to democracy and the American Constitutional way of life!  hmmmm  Who is that anyway?

The communists what only what's best for everyone. Living 
on your knees has proven to be a good thing as the more
100 million that have given their lives for the cause!

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