Sunday, November 10, 2024

And Who Is Our Worst Enemy? : Who Wants to Do Us All Harm?

 This is not rocket science even for the dullest among us! The media has nothing to offer after they have decided to relinquish that journalist mandate to report just the news! 

Renumber after Trump won election to the Precedency in 2016, The New York Times stated for all to see, 'they will no longer be objective but will turn their attention to defeating Donald Trump!' 

And most all other ''news'' outlets are no better if not worse as we witnessed over the last 4 years as delusional Marxist socialist liberated democraaat ideology, drove out country into hell's own sewer of partisan theft of our Constitutional mandates for a free nation of individuals.

Remember as well, The New York Times is heralded as ''The News Paper of Record'! But also, 'The Gray Lady of Journalism' but is now just a whore for the Marxist liberated democraaat socialistcollective!

The mainstream media is no longer a
way to find out the news of the day. They
have become the enemy of the freedom
to choose!

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