Monday, November 18, 2024

The Liberated democraaats Had Notheing to Offer! : Except More Promises and LIes!

 If the new Marxist liberated democraaats are only more of the same liberated democraaats of old and they are, so what will the solution be?

But as the strategy is now, they believed it wasn't the message that was flawed, it was that the narrative needed some new life to explain how good it was over the last four years and how the democraaats will make it even better.

Who knew the country would be in a death spiral because of democraaats, and the slogan was still 'Build Back Better' which didn't make much sense as they are the people that were the ones that drove the country into the dithc in the first place.

When the democraaats took over from Trump in 2021, everything was good and working to perfection. Then it took them only a few weeks and more than 40 executive action orders, the decline of America stated in earnest!

Joe spent $billions to buy votes among college 
students but it failed to help the turn-out!

The neo-communist still lost! The People
weren't fooled this time!

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