Saturday, November 30, 2024

Do Dreams Actually Come True? Maybe Sometimes!

But the results are unpredictable as one might expect! But hey, even in real life there no guarantees for success!

Ask Donald Trump and he will tell you the only way to get what you want is through hard work and dedication to those principles of what this nation was founded on! 

And if that isn't clear enough, he will tell you the truth in the simplest terms possible, 'screw those assholes that get in my way of making America Great Again!!!'

Always dream big!!

''To Each According to Their Need!'' : ''From Each According to Their Abilities!'' Joseph Stalin!

Joseph Stalin understood what he wanted to do but failed. The results of this guiding agenda resulted in only spectacular death and destruction for the nation.

What reality is socialism? It really is simple enough to understand. Someone wants everything other people have, and they want everyone else to give to them! A totalitarian authority over others.

The power for absolute control and therefore the personal riches that follow!

Again, no matter how hard many have treid to make it work,
all failed but leaving the graveyards full!

Signs That Explain The Future? : What Are The Chances?

Maybe this is tough in cheek stuff but given how nuts some of our people in charge are, the pople making the decisions should be here in the present but in reality, are someplace else when they make sighs that lead us to safety or make decisions that lead us astray!

It's up to us to be aware of what the signs say and then make our own decisions for action. 

Case in point what went on months before the election in November. We saw the signs that would direct us in several different paths. We that weren't sleepwalking thru life found the candidate that has substance for success from what had transpired in the past. Hard facts!

And therefore, we had decided on what we know to be truth from a candidate's history rather than accepting what others were telling us were facts, but we know from history as well, knew they were lying! 

hmmmm Not exactly rocket science, riht? So, 'Chose with no regret''! 

We did and we are all glade we did!! God bless our great country and its people!

As sign of the times. Can this really be true? Probably not!
Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing!

Why Would Good Citizens Actually Vote for Tim Walz? : Again!

 The question that remains is why did they vote for him in the first place? And now who would vote for again given whast has transpired over the last two months? 

Goodness, the citizens of Minnesota have to be smarter than this allowing a person that with limited mental capacity to rule, not govern this great state!

Does any one know what's next Tim Walz now that that
lights have been turned off and the people have all
gone home?

Friday, November 29, 2024

Who Really Are Liberated democraaats? : Power to The People?

 By the way, what's the difference between a screaming Nazi man and a left screaming woman? They it appears to be the very back bone of the Marxist communist collective. and it doesn't take much to unerstand their agenda on television as they are everywhere and, in all aspects of American life!

Education, politics and even comedy. They resent this idea of individual freedom as they are convinced, they are leaders of the cause for uniting a divided country! those who hate the country and those that love it!

Also, it's not nice to call them communist after all! They are all just good democraaats!

But wait, someone has risen to the top of the charts of late declaring they, the ''democraaats'' are a danger to democracy and the American Constitutional way of life!  hmmmm  Who is that anyway?

The communists what only what's best for everyone. Living 
on your knees has proven to be a good thing as the more
100 million that have given their lives for the cause!

Many Adults Are Just Overgrown Children? : democraaats Love This Idea!!

 The Marxist liberated democraaats, the neo-communists believe if enough ''adults'' are convinced that life in America is just one big money free store that will give them whatever they want and any time they want, that was a going agenda and ideology.

Every day is Christmas day or so the good members of the socialist collective who just want everything for free and even better, having other morons pay for their free stuff!

But as we all know Christmas ends December 26 and the free stuff comes to an end as well.  (Except for having to find a way to pay the bills!)

What so troubling about this is the mainstream media
 is said to be the ''news'' but in reality they are nothing but
  domestic terrorist organizations.

They hate the country as sit was founded ands they
the people who don't believe that.

Like Barrrack said back in 2008, ''Our Constitution is
 outdated and needs to be updated. The Original says
what the government cannot do to you, what it should read
like what he government can do for you!''

democraaats Must Have Control of Everything!! It's Their Marxist Birthright!!!

 As with the hoax of climate change, global warming and such other nonsensical mom jumbo agenda designed to steal money from the citizens to make them personally richer, more powerful and totally in control of life in America!

To save the planet we must get rid of 200 million gss powered cars by 2035? 2050??

Here it's the food supply where they want to control what you eat making fhe citizen's life less consequential and meaningless. 

They scream we have to save the planet and if cows fart too much, we have get rid of them like they are doing some European country'[s. They true believers. Lunatics all!!!

Who the hell votes for these people?? Truely, are there millions of good people really this stupid? Of course! This is America where individual freedom is the rule of the day no matter what happens next!

Who believes this stuff!!! Save the planet? But for whom??

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Living Conditions Make A Difference! : Life Goes On Anyway! (Video)

Some people would find this to be unoccupiable, but maybe the rent is on the plus side!  Different strokes for different folks!

We Have So Much to Be Thankful For! : Our Prayers Were Answered! (Video)

 Many of us were on our collective knees praying to Almighty God to deliver us from hell's own nightmare of hate and petulance that we are currently suffering from. 

And why did we pray so hard?  Marxist liberated democraaats are trying to remain in positions of power and reek the final and total destruction of our great country from which we might not recover.

The Lord was testing us to find out if we have the will to take charge again if He gave us the chance again to heal the wounds deprivation.

So, the Good Lord took us under his wing and convened enough democraaat voters and home bound never Republican voters to actual get off the couch and vote for their own survival.

God answered our prayers. So, give Thanks today to God for our blessed country of freedom and liberty. We have so much to be thankful for. 

Just to have the chance to do the right thing and have it work is God Blessed!  We cannot afford to lose this chance to make it a place WERE, LIBETY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS can become again a reality as God had intended in the first place 250 years ago.

democraaats Outraged They Lost!! : The Problem, Stupid Voters!!

The voters don't know a winner when they lied to about the candidates' credentials. Stupid and deplorable, a piece of ignorant garbage that's headed for the White House according to the current and defeated president, Joe Biiyden! 

What's not to like about having a democraaat as president or any other official position in our government? They are brain dead malignant mutants from the very sewers of hell itself! 

President Joe Biiyden and Vice president Kamomala Harris proved that beyond and doubt!

Best and brightest among us have taken to shaving their
heads, scream at the ocean and withhold sex from the 
partners in life. And why?

Because they are told to do so if they are true believers!!

But pay no attention to any of this, get 
Donald Trump for asking for an investigation into the
last election and for that he was impeached and
 had 91 felony charges brought against him! 

Who Voted For Protecting Women? : More Important, Who Didn't!!??

When the Marxist liberated democraaats scream in rage that the Republicans don't care about women's rights, they are actually using a ''projection'' tool to cover for their actual intent to allow women to be subjected to abused by 'trans-women', men demanding they are women, in every aspect of their lives.

Women must submit to the demands made by democraaat officials!!

The Marxist democraaats demand everything and everyone must accept the fact that men can become women just by saying they are women! And the democraaats believe they are who and what they say they are and use the legal system to force the rest of the population to comply.

Oh, and of course, the democraaats demand men can become pregnant!!!!! Who voted for this???

And we add injury and even death to insult by allowing criminal immigrants into our country by the 100,000's to roam freely and then protect them from the law that is designed to protect innocent people from killers like the immigrant that raped and killed, murdered Laken Riley!!

Now what political party, a communist collective. the democraaat collective that demands we vote for more of this!?

Every last democraaat in congress and everyone that
vote for a democraaat has the blood of Liken Riley
on their hands!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Calvin Has Chicken Pox! : Now He Must Stay Inside for A Week!! Yikes!!

 Calvin isn't like other kids and that's why he's thought to be deplorable! 

And Millions Still Vote for Them! : But Why???

This is one of the truly puzzlements of the new age of American politics. Why would so many people be so easily duped into doing something that will cause them harm by their actions! 

And worse, they have been this way for decades if not generations, accepting the failed results year after year, decade after decades! This files the face of common sense given all of the good and proven information that is available to everyone!

And yet they vote for self-destruction.

They are not like the rest of us who have to live in the
real world to survive. The Marxist liberated left
democraaats find living in a fantasy world much easier
to explain then as what the rest of know is more and 
still more bullshit from them!
(Sorry! But nothing else fit the situation better!)

Elizabeth Warren to Be The Next Chief of Indian Affairs? : Will She Accept? Yikes!

 It would seem appropriate that at least she should be mentioned for the post of Indian Affairs. Of course, the real Indians would find no humor in this, finding this joke abominable on its face, but to the whole country at large, Indians as well that know who she is, would be something at least to smile about.

In reality she is a total Marxist liberated democraaat and 
therefore, a consummate criminal dedicated to the 
destruction of our country as it was founded on 
''Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness'' for everyone!

She and her ilk in the democraaat collective are one
 and the same, One government - one Rule!!

She is destined for the ash heap of history

Laken Riley Defended Herself for 18 Minutes? : Her Assailant Will Suffer For a Lifetime!?

 If this is standard practice in most large prison facilities, which I believe it is, especially if her assailant is part of the general population, and even if he isn't, her killer will find that to die by lectical infection would have been the preferred death than one hopefully that will last years.

It seems this is standard practice among the inmates who
believe that they are the only one that can really make
justice a reality!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Jerry Says to Kramer, ''What Are You Doing?''


It's easy to see and understand if you haven't been living under a rock! People are totally tried of the insanity that Marxist democraaats push as a new norm. Living they says in fear is a good thing, it keeps you sharp, always looking forward to the next home invasion or the guy beating in your car window to throw you into the street and steal your money and your car!

Hey, you might get lucky and they don't kill you. so why are so many people complaining about the life they used to have is now gone! 

They shout, 'it wasn't that way when Trump was in office!'

The change was so but steady. The results were apparent
on November 5th!

This Is Fair Play? : What's Good For The Gander - - -!

 Maybe this will be help for some of the angst the many in the liberal area of the country find themselves wallowing is a sewer of disgust and denial. 

What went wrong?

Larson usually has the answer to most perplexing situations and this one is one of the best! 


It does appear logical! Right?

Trolling Commander and Chief!? : ''I'll Even Pay For Your Bad Debt!''

Insult to injury!! The pain of reality is huge given even people that are brain dead and wondering aimlessly along tall bridges and high buildings with open windows, they are to find ways to answer the questions that remain, how and why? Are we bad people?

They seek answers to their qualified bad results in the election which seemed to them an impossibility to lose. And yet their instincts have directed them to find a way to lessen the pain of rejection.

''I told you we should have gone with Joe! He wasn't that
bad, right?''

democraaats Are STILL Confused : How Did This Happen??

 When an entire organization is made up of people who are mentally challenged, therefore barren of any commons sense or real-life natural logic, things happen as a consequence.

It stands to reason when 80% of the population views the Marxist liberated democraaats as being without shape or form for having any intellectual properties, little is left to understand how the average citizen, down in the trenches, is left with only a keen uneasy sense of dread and high anxiety.

Also then on November 6th, the deep breathing and smiles from ear to ear was and still is the new norm for the average citizen that loves their country that has given them everything!

''How come we lost? We did everything right and still
the stupid people voted for the orange man!

What does he have and we don't?

Monday, November 25, 2024

Knowing The Truth Will Set You Free! : Or Wish You Did!

It's just how common sense works. Knowing how the real-world works makes all the difference! 

What Came First? The Chicken or The Egg?

 Dave Larson explains the fine point of the conundrum!

Now Even Canada Doesn't Want More Communist? : Where Will They Go?

 Canada is the most logical place for the specially compromised in our society for them to go when life in this country becomes too difficult and confusing. These people are used to having what ever they want and whenever they want, but now they are told those days are over, they will now actually have to go to work and earn a living! Yikes!

The problem though is they have no real skills other than finding ways to get what they need and want from others. Their mental capacity is extremely limited, geared mostly to just taking and not working to support their habits for the good life!

They are finding again that hate is not a supportive commodity any longer. They remember how it was 4 years ago living with everything they needed and wanted, but screamed anyway it wasn't good enough. 

And then the next four years was dedicated to more screaming but this time the hate was back in full forece as they found much of the og od life was gone so had to blame the orange man who wasn't in power but didn't care.

The problem that they know hate was all they have and has no bounds. It never goes away and always gets worse over time.

But pay no attention to any of that, the problem hate leaves the mouth dry, distorted and foul. So they knew after the evil that occurred last November 5, they have to look for new ground to ravage.

But once at the gate, all of a sudden leaving the easy
life doesn't seem like a good idea after all. Who will
kiss our collective assess if we leave? dah! Like the media
does in America!!??

Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau said he doesn't want any
more immigrants! Especially those that are brain

Who's Coming for You? : Ask The Squirrel! Rest In Peace!!

 And then the experts said our government is functioning perfectly. Would we lie to you? What's not like?

'You have no right to to have a pet squirrel! We will come and take ti away and destroy it to prove we are in control, and you are not!

Even Donald Trump said over and over again on the campaign trail that the ''deep state'' or the ''shadow government'' is dedicated to taking away your right to exist as an individual, they demand you live on your knees to show you understand who you are and what you will do for them.

This is an amazing story of how far our government 
has been transformed by the Marxist
 liberated democraaats!

What's next? Your children are not really yours? Oh wait,
too late, they are already here at your door!!

Do You Have A Good Federal Job? : Some Experts Say No!

 No one wishes others to be unemployed but when the number of people that are doing work that isn't essential or productive for economic sense in the larger universe of the company becomes obscenely unworkable, some will have to be asked to find other employment!

Even high-profile jobs that the population have witnessed for 4 years and know their job performance has been an abominable failure, they will have to been shown the door as good examples of how the new administration is true to their word to make America great again by cutting wasted effort as well as wasted material from the budget.

America deserves, actually earned better.

KGP has be the first to go!

And now for the rest of the story! Fat just slows you down!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Season Is Open! : The Deer Are On The Move!

 Is this how it works in the end? This something every hunter should know about before they enter the woods!

Sadly, they won't even hear the sound!

People Looking to Be Just Different? : Are They Just Lost in The Crowd?

 Are they confused about the definition of individuality? What exactly is gained by doing this!? What in the world of insanity can this gain the person, they are not an individual, something that will help them to be an asset to our civil society! 

Where do they fit in? What is the point? 

And it really is all about common sense. What 
happened using of piercing to believe
this will bring you into the inner circle
of those in control of your life!

Bad decisions all around! Those in control of
your life care only that you are enslaved and
ready to be used and abused.

How To Fix Problems! : Trump Says Use Common Sense!!

 Donald Trump has a history of using common sense to solve problems, hiring people that understand how things actually work, and therefore Donald Trump's history is a map for success!

And why did the general public vote to bring him on board the train that is speeding away for ruin looking for a better life and even a positive future for themselves and their families.  He told them ''been there and done that'' and the public believed him! 

The historical record is there for all to see!

WOW! I guess the majority of the citizens aren't just fools like in past years. The citizens began looking at the Marxist liberated democraaat agenda as well and Trump's claim he can fix what the democraaats have wrecked over the last 4 years, compared the two and voted for the one that showed competence, integrity and success.

When Biiyden hired those to be in his cabinet to help
him run the country, his only demand was that they
be unqualified.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Police Chase The Bad Guy! : Fire Fight Follows! (Video)

Is this the real thing remains to be seen. But sill the number of shots to bring him down is huge or the police are just terrible marksmen!! (Was he wearing vest?)

Don't Be Fooled!! The Demonstration Is Only For Power over Others!

 Is this just another tool used by the Marxist liberated democraaats to divide us!? What is exactly is the message here being trotted out on the public streets to demand you obey them! They say you have to believe or

How does that make you feel as they say!?  It's all about feelings? Right? Do you feel betrayed by your political leaders? 

Do they want to help you to a better life or do they want to take your life using it as a tool to gain an advantage for themselves for nothing other than more power and riches?

The general public is not entirely fooled by communist
agitators and sycophants that are already dominated and
therefore, want others to be enslave to hell's own
sewer as they are!

Verizon Has Good Coverage? : Trump's Coverage Is A Winner!!

 Yeah, we hear you and thank God the message was loud and clear to all of us down here in the trenches, we have our country back again just like he promised! 

Now we all can breathe easier, even for those that tried to kill him, twice, to try and stop his message of freedom and liberty for everyone.

But the question that still remains, why are they so adamant about not having the freedom to choose one's own destiny?  Can it be that they have decided to actually act on the agenda and ideology of one-party rule, authoritarian dominance over all things and peoples?

Why didn't everyone vote for Trump? What's wrong about having the freedom to choose?? Why did 68 million people vote to be enslaved to the demands of others????

Friday, November 22, 2024

Trump arrested Again!? : A Feminine Battery Charge! What's Next??

The Marxist liberated democraaats are in free fall now that their agenda and ideology of hate 24/7 didn't work and even worse, it helped the Trumpster win has them ripping their clothing and gnashing their teeth!

So, it's time to roll out the big guns and head to the old days to what worked before will work again!! 
But maybe not this time. 

Everything has changed. The people are not fooled as easily as before!

What IS The Truth and Who Has it? : Who's lying and Who Isn't?

 Still millions of good citizens want to believe what they are told has to be true, right? Come on man, it on TV! They can't lie on television!!

The very definition of security is to not change what we know
 or believe to be true, and how we live day to day!

Change is very unsettling. Many refuse to do it!

To change our living environment means maybe what we
know or believe is not true but something we don't
even understand is fearful! 

The Awakening of America! : There Truly Is A Difference!

The next question is what sparked the awakening the most? Was it the immigrants rampaging across the open southern border by the millions, or people being killed on the streets by gangs in our cites or maybe the two hot wars that are now escalating into major regional wars with North Korea becoming involved or with a third poised to begin if the Chinese believe America will do nothing when they attack Tiawan? 

But it doesn't end there! Maybe it's that food is beginning to cost more than the mortgage and the school system believe that they are more important in their lives then parents when decisions are made to change the sex of their child and not tell them they are doing it?

How come the people have become angry? Maybe it'a that the justice system has been corrupted to the point where it's become the enemy of the people themselves?

There are more reason to not vote for more people who are the cause of all the strife and insanity, Marxist liberated democraaats, but these few get us stared in the right direction of how we had to do the right thing by electing Donald Trump to save the country before there is no turning back!

He did once before, and he will do it again!

Still even though he won in spectacular fashion, there are
millions of poor souls still living in darkness and fear of the
light of freedom of choice!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The Good Old Vacation Days With Whole Family? What Fun!?

 And you thought it was just your family that was screwed up and dysfunctional!

''Vengeance Is Mine'' Said The Lord! : But democraaats Aren't Believers!!

 And now the talking heads are all beginning to turn in one direction, get Trump, after kicking the hell out of each other, democraaats that used hateful lies and deception to keep power over the last 8 years, are finally letting us know they are back to ramp up the old play book just like back in 2015 until November 6th, 2024.

The absolute hate and destructive rhetoric is back and with a vengeance against not just Republicans and Conservatives, but everyone stupid enough to vote against them!

The screaming in pain can last just so long. But then
the old anger returns but this time it's for keeps. They
know the people have decided maybe the democraaats
lied to them. (Oops!)

And speaking of where pain and anguish will be the
order of the day where she will have to tell the world she
 lost the battle for the big job when she certifies the election.

But again, rest the assured she will not allow the war
to be lost. She will use her best advantage to make
 it happen so she is not cast into the outer darkness.

Pay Backs Are Hell! : Politics At Its Worst!

 And getting worse by the day. Once the fact sets in that the voters have found you out and have had some time to assess the damage to the brand and then assess the blame, throwing everyone they can under the bus to shield themselves for taking any responsibility for this crushing defeat.

Rest assured; they will be right back using the same old play book that the Marxist liberated democraaats have used for generation to get back on their feet. Lie, cheat, steal anything and everything that will work for them regain power. Especially working people that just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace.

Attack all opposition to their birth right to ultimate power. And believe by any means necessary. 

There are not limits!!

Even old Joe has his limits as to what he will accept
as dirty political tricks, especially when they are used
against him and by his own people!

What Will She Do Next? : Gainfully Employed!

Interesting that she would find some employment that suits her abilities. There are others though that claim she has other talents that she can employee if this gig doesn't work out! Talent that has stood the test of time showing good results over the last twenty years when she began her rise in politics!

I find it reassuring that President Trump demands
the ''Big Tent'' approach way forward bringing
Kamomala on board the tour celebrating his win!

Trump said he was all about making America
a good place to live and work!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

What Happened On November 5? : Suddenly Tomorrow IS Today!

 Life is just a series of time slots allocated to each of us to use as best we can given what we have as talent and how strong your work ethic is.  If you work hard and you are focused on your goals, your future. good things will take place. 

But at the same time, there are those who don't know what they want but still rush forward into places that have not been allocated for them causing confusion and conflict. There are just so many open slots and if you can't understand that you are going to find a life that is not enjoyable and therefore not rewarding.

Mostg people understand this and will reject their efforts who are trying fool them.

Where  did she go? What happened? When did they find
out that what they know is a lie!

Marxists Head for the Exits! : But Will They Really Leave?

 This is the dream of most citizens in America thta love the county that has given them everything they need to have a good life. 

And yet those that have the most of everything say they hate the country that is the land of plenty. 

Why is that?

As the saying goes, ''How can we miss you if you won't
go away''!

Revenge Is Sweet! : Joe Kicks kamomala Under The Bus!

 Joe finally got this chance to shit on the people who shit on him. Having Trump at the White House for the traditional ''changing of the guard get-together'' was like a back yard community bar-b-que! Smiles and the getting together of friends and family.

But was it all smiles and lots of good comradery between friends? Maybe. Probably not, but it was mostly for show so Joe could have his time for pay back among the party elites who relegated him to yesterday trash.

Pay back is hell!!

In reality though, it was both a pay back and a chance for Joe to have his day in the sun before he's finally relegated to a permanent place on the beach in Delaware. Or a wheelchair out back of the beach house and then the all familiar basements with his sippy cup and ice cream cone!

Old Joe's final happy moment on what he thinks
about Kamomala and the boys putting on the ''also
ran'' list of presidential hopefuls.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Here's More big Government News! ''FinCen''!!: ViVek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk! Where Are You!?

 Ever heard of FinCen? It's a agency attached to the Treasury Department tasked gather information on all businesses around the country to identify criminal activity such as that might be terrorist organizations operating under the radar of the FBI. 

THE FBI??What the hell is this? Trust the FBI to do anything in the best interest of the country and its people! Are you scared yet? If not, then you are approaching room temperature!

''The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is a bureau within the United States Department of the Treasury that collects and analyzes information about financial transactions to combat domestic and international money launderingterrorist financing, and other financial crimes.''

''Climate Hub '' Agency As part of Us Treasury Depratment? : What The Hell is Thjs?????

Think about this for no more than a few seconds then become extremely angry!!!

The Treasury Climate Hub is a new initiative within the US Treasury Department to coordinate and enhance existing climate-related activities. It aims to drive investments toward projects that fight climate change, reduce carbon emissions, and prepare the economy for climate-related

Call your congress person had ask them what is going on here! Whose idea was this and how will anyone benefit?



How Important Is Trusting The Media? : The Media Is America's Worst Enemy!

Just imagine living in family having several kids close to the same age and then admit that your sister is more trusted to tell you the truth to not to pee on the wire because it's a hot wire, is really a bad situation.

But having this distrust of the mainstream media is a good thing in that the entire nation will be better for seeking the truth in other areas. We all should know by now they hate and are lying to us down here in the trenchers. 

All they really want is our money and power and they will do what ever they can and by any means ncecssay1!

Growing Up Was Different Back Then ! : Now It's So Much Harder?

Just a little nostalgia about what when on when kids were not that seen as political tools, weapons used and abused to destroy the homestead and the culture they live in just for the sake of a few who must have the power for control.

Anything else is wasted effort!

And really it wasn't that long ago we had fun growing up
untethered to an agenda and destructive ideology like many
kids today. Parents must understand what is at stake. If the
parents don't follow the rules, the FBI will be at their
door to put them is jail and take their kids as
wards of the all-powerful state!

The Reality Is Morally Crushing Marxists! : Trump Actually Won Without Cheating!!

Just the Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski had to go to Mar a Lagoo to say they are sorry for being and abetting domestic terrors among the population on air for the last two years.

But most of the other domestic terrorist organizations like the democraaats in United States congress and the mainstream media have condemned them to some kind of purgatory for taking a knee just for the money they will lose if they don't follow orders and are fired. 

The order came from management of MSNBC for Joe and Mika to go to Trump for breakfast at Mar-a-Lago and admit they were wrong, and they are very sorry they lied so much! (How cool is that!)

The question that remains is when will the other terrorist organizations allow them out of their demonic moral and ethical prison? 

Everyone knows they and all of the other media thugs will always be America's worst problem!

And of course, the race to home plate wasn't this close. Records
were set for the amount of support Trump got from every
demographic from around the country.

Monday, November 18, 2024

The Liberated democraaats Had Notheing to Offer! : Except More Promises and LIes!

 If the new Marxist liberated democraaats are only more of the same liberated democraaats of old and they are, so what will the solution be?

But as the strategy is now, they believed it wasn't the message that was flawed, it was that the narrative needed some new life to explain how good it was over the last four years and how the democraaats will make it even better.

Who knew the country would be in a death spiral because of democraaats, and the slogan was still 'Build Back Better' which didn't make much sense as they are the people that were the ones that drove the country into the dithc in the first place.

When the democraaats took over from Trump in 2021, everything was good and working to perfection. Then it took them only a few weeks and more than 40 executive action orders, the decline of America stated in earnest!

Joe spent $billions to buy votes among college 
students but it failed to help the turn-out!

The neo-communist still lost! The People
weren't fooled this time!

What Happened On 11/5? : The Choice Was Easy!

 It was a time to choose and choose with no regret. The choice was clear and even like Jill Biiyden when she went to the voting booth in a bright red pants suit! She left no doubt in anyone's mind what she intended to do!

No love lost there. The Biiydens were furious that the Marxist collective decided to throw Joe under the bus. They believed he was to be compromised mentally to make the run for high office. (But they still thought it was okay for him to remain as president, leader of the free world and have access to the nuclear codes!)

It really was never about what will happen to the country having a man in the White House that resembled a vegetable. It was always about the next election to maintain their power for control.

Never mind any of that stuff about what's right and what's wrong.
It's always about what can and must be done to
win the next election.

And by any means necessary! No one is safe!!

And Who Is Really Your Worst Enemy? : Who Controls Your Information!!??

 Lucky, a majority of the population has decided in 2024 to take a chance with those that say they are here because they actually care about what happens to you and has proved it with policy; remember 4 years ago? 

It really isn't all that complicated, everything was getting better for everyone! People where better off than ever before. They actually could see they had something to work for, they could see their individual future had a positive outcome!

They actually felt good about themselves and how their lives were working out.  Hey, what could go wrong with that? 

The problem that came into force was their history got in the way when they entered the voting booth! They automatically voted democraaat and that's when everything went to hell again!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Media Is In a Pickle : What Now? Hate Fell Short!

Just when you think the insanity will end as Trump will be back in the White House ready to to fix what the Marxist liberate4d democraaats have done to our country and ithe destruction is massive.

But this is someone that can fix anything, Trump is the guy and that is what we voted for in the first place. 

As Republicans and Conservatives, we love our country and have been angered by what the democraaats have done to make life so much harder than when they cheated to get elected in 2020. Trump turned over to them a well-oiled machine making life good for everyone!

Then Joe and Kamomala get into the White House! And this is when the destruction stated!

God bless America, God bless Donald Trump and the voters who put him back into the White House!!!!

Watching any of the lamestream media, it tells us what and
who they are! When they tell us they hate us and what to take
what we have, believe them!!

Donald Trump Has The Moves!! : Spectacular Video!!!

 If you're looking for something to get you going this morning, look no further than this video!!! On my goodness!!  This is so good!!

For Every Action There is an Opposite and equal reaction!?(Video)

 Science is a wonderful thing when works as well as it should! But sometimes things don't work out!~

Saturday, November 16, 2024

It Really IS All About A Work Ethic! : Work Hard And Be Promoted!!

Who knew we would be privileged to be living in an era of significant change in our country only like our founding fathers experienced in 1769-1776. It was where many in the nation didn't want to have the ability for independent thought. They were happy to have others make the 'living' decisions for them even though those in power were thousands of miles away!

Luckly for all of us today, the fear of change wasn't universal. Many still wanted freedom above all other things in their lives.

And as we 'should' know the results of those locally deciding to have freedom from the tyranny of the few was conflict between citizens who didn't want change and a war with the mother country!!

What are the similarities of today and our historical past where millions of citizens have finally decided to have the freedom to choose rather than the tyranny of the few in our government!

God blessed our great country for a reason, proudly stand against tyranny and sing the songs of freedom and liberty.

History before our very eyes on display! Only once in a
several lifetimes can a population have this honor to know,  
 understand and fully appreciate what has taken place 
right now!

''Freedom means having nothing else to lose''!

And those who wanted the tyranny of the few were
turned away!