Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Free Speech Under Attack(Video) : Democrats Use SWAT Units In Wisconsin

It's really about taking control of the population and what better way to demand what you say must be approved by others. Once you control communications by limiting free speech and taking away the ability of the population to protect themselves under the Second Amendment of our Constitution by gun control through confiscation, individual freedom will be a thing of the past.

In truth, it's more then just intimidation through legal and illegal political efforts, but includes outright and outrageous moves attacking American citizens, Conservative political organizations opposing democrat operatives, as they did in Wisconsin with the use SWAT military units in the middle of the night along with the police and other government agencies.

Unfortunately, millions of our citizen agree with the attacks on other citizens and will have no problem with giving up their freedom to chose. For once I am in agreement with what Mr Ogbjma said about our country, ''this is not who we are''.

How the Left Is Using Intimidation to Silence Free Speech
Genevieve Wood / /     

Most Americans are familiar with the scandal at the IRS targeting conservative groups, but how widespread is the attempt to silence free speech and political activity? Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel says it’s one of the biggest threats to our democracy. She sat down with The Daily Signal to talk about her new book, “The Intimidation Game,” and the left’s orchestrated campaign to silence those it can’t defeat at the ballot box.

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