Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Wind Energy Is Not a 'Free Good' : A false Narrative

The progressive socialist liberal democrat environmentalists are no more the domestic terrorists, bleating their false narratives on how we will all die if the taxpayers don't fork over $billions for more research, research that has historical been proven false and yet they come back for more money.

This is treachery and the tyranny of the few. The question that remains is how can so few demand so much from so many and be successful at doing so? Are the taxpayers just plain stupid? Anyone with half a brain can see the progressive socialists are waging a war on fossil energy that we all depend on for our very survival. The whole idea of the socialists environmentalists is to limit the citizens options for prosperity which comes from adequate supplies of energy.

Without personal options, freedom to chose, the progressive scholiasts liberals win the war that will deny citizens prosperity which in turned will turn out the lights in the 'shining city on the hill', the American dream.

Why is this so hard to understand for so many, the environmentalists have been proven beyond a doubt they are lying and deceitful and yet they move forward to bring our country to it collective knees.

An Ill-Wind Energy Blows
Source: "Wind Capacity Factors Drop on West Coast Due to Poor Wind Speeds," Institute for Energy Studies, September 28, 2015.

October 6, 2015

Wind capacity factors can vary greatly across regions because the output from wind turbines are dependent on the wind resources in the area. Capacity factors for wind units on the U.S. West Coast for the first five months of this year were consistently below their previous five-year average because wind speeds dropped in California, Oregon and Washington.

Because the amount of electrical energy produced by a wind turbine varies nonlinearly with wind speed, small changes in wind speed can result in much larger changes in output: In January, wind speeds were approximately 20 percent to 45 percent lower than normal for portions of the West Coast. Capacity factors for wind plants in California, Oregon, and Washington were about 50 percent lower than the January average of the previous five years.

At the end of 2009, California, Oregon and Washington had 6.3 gigawatts of wind capacity. By the end of 2014, they had increased that capacity by an additional 5.3 gigawatts and more than double their wind generation due to state Renewable Portfolio Standards and to lucrative subsidies at the Federal and State levels.

The cost to the taxpayer and consumer is much more than the cost of generating power from existing power plants. Due to the variability of wind speeds, back-up power is needed to provide generation to meet demand when the wind does not blow or slows. So, consumers are paying again to have that back-up power available when needed. Wind is not a free good, despite environmentalists wanting us to believe that it is so.

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