Sunday, October 18, 2015

Rep Cummings Calls Gouty A Liar? : Rep. Accepted IRS Info On Opponent (2012 Reelection A Fraud)

Cummings accepted personal info on his opponent from IRS
Big time progressive socialist democrat calling Trey Gouty a liar and wants him to apologize to Hillary.

If this wasn't such an important time in the effort to find out when Hillary knew it wasn't a video and her actions during the first 8 hours of the battle, this would be something from the Onion.

But there isn't any humor in the murder of 4 people and it might have been avoided but for the failure on the part of Hillary and Objma deciding the election was more important then the lives of just 4 people. And given the amount of information that we already have on Hillary's duplicity and lies on what she knew and when did she know it,  she is probably guilty of at negligent homicide

But wait, why is Cummings in an uproar? How come he isn't under arrest as he was one of the recipients of personal information from Louis Lerner and the IRS to use against his opponent in the last election. Does this mean his reelection was a fraud? Are his actions criminal?

Shouldn't Rep. Cummings apologize to the American public and then resign?

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