Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hillary & Objma's Transparency : What Transparency?

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Puzzling at best, but how can a voter compromise their ability to detect a fraud when it is so pronounced?

Even in the face of overwhelming facts that are on display every day and yet the progressive socialist liberal democrat voting base cheers Hillary at her rallies and Mr Objma when he give a speech.

Corruption and out right lies are of no importance as we have all seen in Hillary's email immediately after the Benghazi attacks where she knew the attack was terror, but after a discussion with Mr Objma they decided they needed to take a different path as the election was only 57 days away.

And the worst of it all was Hillary stand face to face with the parent of one the dead, murdered soldiers that was lying only feet away in a flag draped casket, she bold faced lied them that it was the reaction to a video that killed their son.

Doesn't it make a difference concerning her moral make-up to so many that she apparently was able to do this so easily, and then repeated the lie over an over again for weeks on end? Isn't there some very wrong here? Shouldn't the voter take this soulless and shameless nature into account  before they cheer her on?

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