Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Health Care Options : A Market Approach Reform

Adapting reform to the current system is not the answer to heath care - first and foremost is to totally getting rid of the Affordable Care Act which isn't affordable or workable. It's a government political stunt to force the general public into health care chaos.

To accept the idea that a government agency can provide nation wide heath care is begging to question one's sanity. Government is corrupt and our current government is totally corrupt. What options are left?

A Market Approach to Better Care at Lower Cost
Source: Dr. Joseph Antos, "A Market Approach to Better Care at Lower Cost," Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, September 11, 2015

September 29, 2015

The health care system in the United States is still struggling, despite attempts to expand coverage by the Affordable Care Act. An economically informed restructuring, which works for smarter spending through aligning financial priorities of both patients and providers, is necessary.

Reforms should also include:

Limiting subsidies for healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

Encouraging patient involvement in their health care as an active consumer through access to accurate information on providers, treatment alternatives and health records.

Increasing states abilities to run their own Medicaid programs.

Protecting consumers through smarter regulations that remove government price controls on insurance cost encouraging competition between existing healthcare programs.

In 2015, the United States will spend over $3.2 trillion on health care alone. The price is paid through higher taxes, lower wages and increasing health insurance costs. Adapting the current system to streamline benefits, reduce costs and increase accountability is urgent.

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