Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The Constitution IS The Law of The Land : Alexander Hamilton

 The founding fathers understood how important it is to have a set of rules that will establish and protect the civil society. They knew from experience of dealing with a governing body without any restraints fostered only confusion and ultimately knew chaos would result.

So, after 250 years that we have existed, building the most powerful country on earth, it has now been discussed and determined the Constitution of the United States is no longer needed to rule the land.

It has been discussed over several decades, that those in power today and firmly believe, they have what is needed to govern without an enchant piece of paper, written centuries ago has little or no bearing on a modern twenty first century for civilizing a society.

And again, we have witnessed in history how that has worked out effectivity to govern the masses. 

But pay no attention to any of that as the modern man understands how to make a centralized government authority work for the people to innovate and therefore prosper.

''If it is asked, what is the most sacred duty and the greatest source of our security in a Republic? The answer would be an inviolable respect of the Constitution and laws.''

Alexander Hamilton - A founding father!

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