Sunday, February 03, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Details Her Position On The Wall : Nancy's Mental Disease Exposed

What is exactly the definition of stupid? What is incompetence? Is this what being mentally damaged look and sound like? Is Nancy Pelosi's behavior the result of a life time of greed and hate for any opposition to her overpowering  need for power and position? 

Or is it just normal behavior for being exposed to the ideology of hate all her life? Is this what it does to a person? Or is this just being a progressive socialist liberal democrat?

Who actually went out of their way to vote for her? Really, even in California where there are more mentally unbalanced and subservient wanderers then most states in our great country, it is a stretch to believe she didn't have to ''vote harvest'', cheat to keep getting elected. Right?

Or maybe the problem is much worse then we ever could imagine as to just how far down the road to destruction we actually are. This woman is not a nice person. She is a danger to herself and others, and given her position in the halls of power, she is a danger to the country at large,

Nancy Pelosi is a national security problem. An embarrassing disgrace.  Never, ever vote democrat again! It is in the best interest of the nation to vote out the problems, not elect or reelect them. It is about self preservation.

This is what  a sever case of mental disease looks and sounds like.

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