Monday, February 25, 2019

Joining Forces In Virginia : Nohing to See Here - It's Just Politics? Omar?

And then along came the ''new wave'' socialist and domestic terrorist commenting on Virginia's democrat politicians denigrating black people. 

Whether it playing the game of democrat ideology with black face for laughs or wearing sheets to bring fear to black people or aggravated sexual assault, it is discussed and debated until people fall asleep. Then all will be as before.

And now they have added domestic terror proponents to their itinerary with the addition of Omar? Remember, what she and her friends couldn't accomplish on 9/11 from the outside, she and her friends among the democrat will now accomplish from the inside.

Know this as fact, democrats and their surrogates will take from you what ever you allow them to have. There is no limit!

Black face or the clan, democrats haven't changed much over the last 
100 years. It's really all about taking an advantage where ever they can.

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