Sunday, February 24, 2019

Bernie Rides Again : The Dung Pile Grows Higher and Deeper

The theory is if the amount of carp that is heaped on to the general public is so huge, the faster the progressive socialist liberal democrats can take charge before the general population can dig themselves out from under the pile of dung called progressive socialism.

It's rapidly becoming clear the Phd's ( the Piled Higher and Deeper crowd) of this world are lining up to take advantage of the free stuff that the progressive socialist liberals are promising to deliver and there are millions ready and willing to take a knee.

Their ideology demands obedience first. Look no further the university professors. Their socialist treachery is outrageous!

But wait until the bill come due to pay for all of the cool free stuff and those waiting in line are hit hardest, they are a captive audience, the hollowing will be deafening.

Bernie rides again! Universities are over flowing with the smartest and
 brightest among us demanding the people pay more for them to have
 the good life without responsibility.

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