Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Fence At The Border : What Fence?(Video)

Here is a small video of what is going on at the boarder with the fence. Take a minute after watching this and think about what is happening there and why so many of our fellow citizens don't seem to care or don't understand the gravity of the situation. 

The progressive socialist liberal democrats have demonstrated for all to see, an open border will help the country. Allowing more the 750,000 + immigrates to enter our country every year that can not supports themselves will bankrupt our way of life. Why is that so hard for them to understand?

In the last poll of world wide peoples, it was found that 54 million people want to immigrate. More then 70% want to come to America.

Or is there another reason why they, the progressive democrats like Nancy Pelosi believe the flood of dependent individuals across an open border is a good thing for our country?

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