Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Trump Lives ''Rent Free'' In democrat Brains : And Hate Holds Him There.

Rent free! Never in our history as a nation have the election of a president caused so many of the opposition and even of the president's party,  decided that the people have made a huge mistake by voting him into office.

It appears it is their duty to the nation and themselves to run him out of office. The people who voted are obviously to uninformed, ignorant or both, if not just plain stupid as the reason for voting for Donald Trump.

Now they, the progressive socialsit liberal democrats and the ''never Trump'' Republicans  are on a rampage that resembles an lunstic asylum out of control. The inmates are running the asylum.

democrats are so overcome with hatred that they have lost all 
control of civil decorium or common sense. They seem to live on hate alone.

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