Sunday, September 02, 2018

A House of Cards : Bruce Ore Is The Bottom Card?

Bruce Ore  brings to light more insider players that will reek havoc.

It appears that after the testimony of Bruce Ore last week, things are beginning to look a little shaky for the  Mueller investigation and his friends in the socialist liberal democrat collective who are trying to destroy the dually elected president of the United States.

Will the Ore revelations bring down Mueller's biased and deceitful actions against anyone that has had dealings with Donald Trump? No, but it will certainly bring pressure on Mueller to bring charges against the president or end the investigation.

But never mind the damming facts here. We are talking about the criminal democrats that are seeking to over-throw a dually elected head of our government without cause.

Is it sedition? Subversion? How about insurrection? A non-violent coup to over-throw the entire government? A socialist revolution.

If that was happening in a different free state somewhere around the world, we would say those doing this are criminals and must be stopped and  arrested. 

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