Friday, December 11, 2015

Muslims Must Be Allowed In : Mr Objma Insists - Why?

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With no means to identify a terrorist that lurks among the 10's of thousands that are headed in our direction from Syria and other Muslim nightmares situations, Mr Objma insists that we open our doors to the refugees no matter the consequences for national security and to the population at large.

Can we assume that Mr Objma is knowingly and willingly accepting any number of dead Americans resulting from Islamic suicide bombers or killers like those in California that killed 14 and wounded twenty or more?

Is Mr Objma willing to accept a truck bomb placed out side of a football stadium that will kill thousands and injurer 10's of thousands of citizens just to make sure that Muslims are allowed into country?

What is going on here? You have to ask the question, why is Mr Objma so insistent on the behalf of Muslims be allowed into our country and not Christians, Hindus or Jews?

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