Friday, December 18, 2015

Objma Brings Jihad to America : Objma's "Fundamental Change"

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I can say anything, there're just words
If history is any teacher of what we can expect in the future, then we know what Mr Objma is taking about. The result is never believe anything he say as a true statement.  There is always another agenda running in the back ground that has nothing to do with the American people and our Constitution.

The man's history from the very beginning is a lie that has clouded his agenda and ideology for anyone that wants to dig into his motivations, but the progressive socialist are all to willing to turn their collective backs to and ignore.

And that Mr Objma is not stupid, just crazy and dedicated to his mission, he understood the free ride that he was getting from the progressives in politics and the press would cover for him no matter how shameless, moraless and corrupt he becomes.

And as history IS a good teacher, Mr Objma has been proven correct. He can do and has done what ever he wanted to advance his ideology of "fundamental change" for American society.

Welcome to Objma's brave new world of progressive socialist jihad. Thank you democrat voters for your insight and wisdom.

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