Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Freedom And the God of Government : A Paradox

Each day that passes one has to wonder how long we can hang on to our national identify while so many among us stumble about wondering what is happening and waiting for others to tell them what to think.

Maybe this is the new norm for the up coming leaders that have be educated in our system of schools that is dominated by progressive socialist. Maybe the idea of progressive socialism that is founded on rewards for obedience to the god of government is more important to the general public then the founding fathers ideas set down in our Constitution of rewards based on personal freedom to chose and the ownership of property, the two most basic ideas  that have given us in our Constitution, the greatest country that ever existed.

But maybe freedom isn't all that it's crapped up to be, just look how satisfied that a lot of people are just having a smart phone to look at more then 50 times a day, but still missed the fact that several members of one government agency, the FCC, has decided that they, the government,  have to control the content of the very bases of the smart phone phonon, the internet. Who knew?

Ben Stein's note here, if it really is his note, as we know that the internet can be anyone's play ground, still resonates a serious fact that we are involved in a break down in the most important aspect of our society, a 'government of the people, by the people and for the people that shall not parish from the earth' is being lost. We are willingly allowing our government to take control of all aspects of our lives without so much, or so it seems ,as even a raised eye brow to what is happening to our way of life. We are dumbfounded. It's incomprehensible.

Has it just been easier to allow others to do the thinking for us on the important issues of the day as we are so involved in our new machines for communication through gaming and other social media, we are receiving information electronically that is based more on fantasy then fact. And if we allow others to determine what we think we know as fact, how do we determine what we receive electronically, that isn't social, is indeed actuate or morally in our best interest?

Is this another paradox where making the distinction between what is real and what is fantasy becomes incomprehensible to the average citizens that must rely on certain informational facts to just survive from day to day? Access to Health care, job requirements, loan debt on credit cards e.t.c., all rely on others determining who and what we are to become?

Just like the story of the frog happily wising around in the pot of water, unconcerned , until the water becomes so hot it's intolerable, but by then it's too late to escape. The water in the pot that we are trashing about in now is heating up faster then most of us understand, and when it becomes intolerable, the lose of liberty and personal freedom, it will be too late to change direction before we and our country parish.

It's time to stop with the thumbs and raise our collective heads to look around and ask some critical questions. 


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