Thursday, September 10, 2015

Social Security Disability Failing : Escape for The Lazy?

What the problem is there are millions now on disability that are not disabled, but because their unemployment ran out, so they head to the next best thing to continue  the good life is a sympatric judge, probably a progressive socialist democrat, that declares they are truly disabled and therefore eligible for Social Security Disability.

And not only are the judges corrupt or just lazy, but the SSDI administration  in the tank for the progressive socialists that believe it is the obligation of all taxpayers to pay the bill for all of the corruption that has fallen on the workers from a free market capitalist economy. They got the memo.

We all should know how well a socialist or communist systems is supposed to work as we have been told often enough by Mr Obama and his friends in the democrat collective that this is the "fundamental change" that is needed to save the country. And as we are witnesses, Mr Obama's socialist ideology is a total failure, but who cares, millions are wallowing in free stuff to carry them to easy street.

And when it goes bad, blame the Republicans and George Bush. The media will be jonnies on the spot to make sure this will be headline news. It works every time.

Social Security Disability Insurance Program is Financially
Source:  Veronique de Rugy, "Social Security Disability Insurance Program is Financially Unsustainable," Mercatus Center, September 2, 2015.

September 8, 2015

Social Security needs a long-term solution as soon as possible. The 2015 Social Security Board of Trustees' report indicates that within the next year the disability fund will be depleted. In fact, the Disability Insurance (DI) trust fund has an increasing gap between the amount it receives and the amount it pays out, writes Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center.
  • The Disability Insurance fund has operated with deficits since 2009.
  • Benefits have doubled between 1998 and 2014, from $70 billion to $142 billion.
  • In previous years deficits were financed by government securities, accrued during years that Social Security was generating a surplus, but all stockpiles will be obsolete in year.
Possible policy options include short term solutions such as raising payroll taxes to cover the deficits, or shifting assets to cover the Disability Insurance fund. However, these are simple solutions to a complex problem and will result in even greater damage in the long run.

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