Friday, September 11, 2015

Right-to-Work Laws Brings Freedom to Chose : A Basic Freedom

If there is one factor in the Right-to-Work law that riles the unions more then any other it's the right to chose one own future. Unions, socialist organizations, believe the average worker does not the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. It's the ideology that drives Mr Obama as well that for the last 7 years has been the driving force that he promised in 2008 to "Fundamentally Change" America.

As anyone that has stayed awake and understands Mr Obama's agenda, he has succeeded.

Right-to-Work Laws Don't Lower Private-Sector Pay
Source: Sherk, James, "Right-to-Work Laws Don't Lower Private-Sector Pay"  Heritage Foundation, September 1, 2015.

September 9, 2015

Currently, 25 U.S. states have right-to-work (RTW) laws. These laws prohibit union security agreements, allowing employees to decide for themselves whether or not they will join and financially support a union. Historically, unions argue that RTW laws reduce employee wages by 3 percent, but a recent Heritage Foundation study found no basis for these claims when cost of living was taken into account.
  • In states where membership is voluntary, only 7 percent of workers are union members.
  • In 45 states, government employees earn more than their comparative private-sector counterpart.
  • In RTW states government employees make approximately 5 percent less than in non-RTW states.
  • The reduction in government payroll in RTW states is an important economic benefit of RTW laws.
  • Practically every Southern state and none of the Northeastern states have passed RTW laws.
Studies that unions used to support the claim that RTW laws reduce private-sector wages are fundamentally flawed by only partially controlling for cost-of-living differences. The Heritage Foundation found that while workers in RTW states do earn lower wages, they also have below-average living costs resulting in little effect on a workers' real purchasing power.

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