Saturday, October 05, 2024

How Much Have Things Change? : Or Have They Stayed The Same?

 Lately Joe Biiyden has been actually seen out in public and more pointily he attended the daily Whit House briefing room to make statements and answer questions. This is hard to believe that it was acutely happening, but Joe made a point in his opening statement that kamomala's team and his team are one in the same. They are working together!

The White Hosye press core was confused as Kamomala has made a point on most occasion that when she makes public appearances, she makes it clear she was independent of the Biiyden government. Sure she IS vice president and has been for 4 years with Joe but pay no attention to that. We're democraaats!!

Joe says not so fast! Joe say Kamomala must succeed with the government policies that they both brought to the people or die at the voting booth trying.


Apparently, they are joined the hips! All for one and
one for all!! It looks like she just stepped off the boat
and not ready for prime time!

'FEMA 'I'm From The Government and Here To Help!'' : Words! Just Words!

 They have no intention of helping those in need unless there is a way to take as much of the ''help'' from those that need it the most!

And in the case of FEMA, they are telling us they are broke! They are out of money. All of the Republican voters that haven't been killed in the flooding will have to find a way to save themselves. 

The money that was allocated to help survivors to rebuild their lives was taken to support future democraaat voters, the illegal immigrants that the democraaats brought to our country by the millions to replace the democraaat citizens who don't want to vote anymore like they are told.

The fox has been given access to the hen house!

Who Are ''The People'' Helene Destroyed? : Help? Depends On How You Vote!

Oh, and Donald Trump of course! Somehow Trump had a hand in this disaster. He caused the hurricane that swept through the southern states causing immense damage to property and mental anguish knowing that they have lost everything! Trump is a denier!!

A lifetime of living for thousands, gone! In some cases, even their family members! More than 200 dead!

And as they try to figure out what to do now, they realize they are alone. There is little or no hope for getting help to rebuild any time soon. They have been abandoned because of how they vote! And why do these people love Trump? Easy, ''he is one of us!!''

If there was ever a question about what our democraaat controlled government is all about, they know now, beyond any doubt, it has nothing to do with them, the people! They know they are just tools to be abused to make those at the levers of power richer and more powerful. 

And if it means that some of them must be sacrificed to make the plan to steal as much as they can, to win elections work, so be it. It's by any means necessary! They really don't care!

Friday, October 04, 2024

What A Turtle Can Do With Special Innovations - (Video!)

Watch what happens when a turtle gets on a skateboard! If she finds out about this, Mother nature will not be pleased!

Profound Economic Brilliance Explained : Kamomala's Vision Is Astounding!

When someone comes along with such a clear and profound explanation for why everything is so expensive, it's clear who we have to vote for in November to lead us out of the democraaat sewer of confusion, chaos and despair!!

America is ready for her leadership! How can we be so lucky to have back to back Joe Biiydens!

There can be only one Kamomala, all other wana-be's have 
to wait their turn!

Kamomala Dazzles Oprah With Her Acuity! : Oprah Is Mesmerized!

 Kamomala's brilliance was on display for her audience on nationaql television with Oprah, she and the audience sat stunted concerning Kamomala's ability to explain why she wants to rule the wrold

Kamomala understands how important it is for people
to know what she will do to save the world from
the successes of Donald Trump! ''Failure is so important
for America. Without failure, we will become a great
country again and that is why I'm running for President!''!

(Oprah, 'Holy smokes batman, we are headed for thrash bin of history!')

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Stay Away From The Tar Pits With The Kids : Final Instructions!

 And this is how it came to be we know how the family leader failed even back then to do his job of watching the kids!

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! : Where Is The President? Who Cares?

 What a sad saturation for our country that we have no one to lead the country. But even if he was still a functioning human instead of a comatose brain-dead walking and sleeping carcass, it wouldn't make much difference than what he did for the country over the last 20 years as a senator, vice president and then as president.

Joe was never someone who took responsibility for his own actions. He always believed the people were just tools for his amusement as he stole us all blind of our money and pride!! Driven only by his unbridled greed for money and position!

The perfect democraaat and consument criminal! Always vote like you actually know who and what you are voting for!

Nero fiddle while Rome burned, and Joe sleeps while 
America falls into the hands of a cabal of unelected
 self-serving Marxist communist that are demanding
 Barrrack's ''fundamental change'' for America and
therefore oblivion!

Kamomala In Charge! : Good? Staff Turn Over at 92%!!

 Here Kamomala demonstrates here best talent when ordering fast food and when she gives instructions on how she wants her staff to run the campaign!

She believes she can and will use the force of her nature to make others do her bidding. She can be very persuasive when she thinks she is in losing situation.

But she apparently has a power structure problem delegating some of her power to others to make the system function properly.  But she also believes she has the remedy for finding ways she can move up the ladder to gain more positions with the power elitist in California and ultimately the entire country.

It seems to be working as she is running now for the top job! Some political experts say it won't work as well as it did in California, but many others believe she will give it try! 

Talent like hers should never be underestimated!

The jury is still out on whether her magic will be as
effective on the big stage as California!

If history can dictate future results, and it always does,
 than the country will be in trouble if she
wins in November.

Twenty Minutes of Fame! : Kamomala On The Southern Border!

Sycophant talking head interviewing the border czar, ''Have you been to the border?''  Kamomala, ''-----I've been to the border, and I've been to Europe!'' June 25, 2021, and September 4, 2024! 

Talking head; speechless!

Interesting situation for brain dead Marxist democraaats who
are now lining up to vote for Kamomala. They are so happy
to have again, a wasted individual to vote for like they
did in 2020!

Marxist democraaats love to vote for candidates that lie to
them and the voters know they are lying but it makes them feel
good knowing they again have the chance to be abused!

The democraaat voter likes the security of having the same
people who promise everything and deliver nothing. Their 
security is in the familiar!

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Time to Decide Your Own Fate : I'm Too Big AND Smart To Fail!!??

 Corinthians 10: 12 - '' Let the one who thinks that he stands secure take great heed, lest he fall.''

This between two participants who exchange their perception of future events based Soley on what might be true but then again might be something completely different given both sides believed they knew what the situation actually was but was viewed from different perspectives.

Much like what is going on today in our country, one side is totally convinced they are right no matter what the facts actually dictate that they are totally wrong. They refuse to believe anything that deviates from what they think they know is true.

These two participants vying for being the leader of the free world have different outlooks on our country's economic condition and position in the world. 

One stands fast understanding his role in the country's populations need for experienced leadership here and around the world, while the other is actual confused and delusional as to her power because of her falsely assumed membership size makes her unquestionably right! 

Time to choose what will work as the oncoming decisions to be made and therefore will get the best results for the country.

Canada Asks, Is America Broken? : Orange Man IS Bad!!? - What??

The struggle is ongoing with trying to find what is the truth and what is a ''Pie in the sky'' thinking! This guy has the gall and ignorance to criticize America for its failure to bring justice to the people???

Truly, this is amazing stuff coming from Canada! A country run by a mindless Marxist socialist black faced Wana-be child star, Justin Trudeau, but sadly he doesn't have the talent or intelligence to pull it off.

But Donald Trump and 75 million people in Americans believe otherwise!

Instead, Trudeau and his socialist friends rule with a vengeful iron fist on everyone who seeks any kind of freedom to be whatever they want to be and not have to wait for government approval. The results for independent thought and actions are meet with police powers to crush their efforts.

 Remember the truckers on strike and what happened to them??? What about churches being attacked for not obeying lock downs?

And this guy condemns America's Constitution, with its 27 amendments, is of no use given what a mess we are all in today because we wanting our country back from communists taking us into oblivion??? Who the hell has been in power for the last 4 years???

Oh, and he states our health care system is terrible? Yikes! He must live on the border as he then can slip across into America to have a place to solve his health care problems. He has to know he won't get any help any time soon from Canadian socialist system!

The Best Laid Plans for Victory : democraaats Use The "Finally Solution!''?

Is it possible that the Marxist liberated democraaats have finally decided they can't win the election in November with the people they have on their side, so they have resorted to eliminating all opposition by any means necessary.

Ther fear of losing power for the Marxist democraaats means all options are on the table!!

And if that seems over the top rhetoric, it's strange there hasn't been any outrage from the mainstream media on what and how the failures of the Secret Service (SS) have contributed to the 2 assassination attempts on the life of Donald Trump.

The only plausible explanation that can be understood and discussed is the Marxist democraaats want to use the elimination option to win the election. If a killer is staking the candidate and slips through the SS halfhearted protection, then let it happen. Apparently, they are actively at work to make it happen!

The government agents in charge know there won't be any push back from the justice system that is nearly or completely controlled by those in power.

The question now is who hired these guys? And more important
maybe is why is the FBI and the DOJ are protecting them?

Knowing The Difference Will Help! : Armed Guards Only for Money!?

 The question now is why are so many at the levers of power having armed guards in schools given what has transpired with school shootings?

Why not do whatever it takes to protect the kids from the mentally ill running loose in our country?

It's just easier I guess to understand we need armed guards to protect our money from those who what to take it from us by force as they are too lazy and mentally ill to earn it, but why so much discussion about stopping those that are mentally ill that want to take our kids from us and by force!?

We love guards for our money but not so much for protection where and how we live our lives? Maybe it's more sinister then that1 

Maybe there's a political element is our society that doesn't want our children to see police officers in schools doing a positive service to the community. Why is that?

The politics of control is all about who's in power and dictating
what is needed for surviving the riggers of life in a civil
society? Those in power believe Police are needed only for
their own protection but so much for the larger
society as well?

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The Marxist Liberated democraaats Can Make It Work For Them! : What's The Truth?

 Again and again, it will never work as history shows it never has! But the mentally ill, driven by the need for absolute power for control of others, they firmly believe it's a new day and they are better and smarter then all that went before.

The inner most desires that cloud the minds of those who seek the power that will make others conform to their will though in the end leave them like a hot wind with only destruction and desolation!

The people are on the edge of not tolerating the insanity
any longer!

Isarel Attacks Into Lebanon : A ''Cutting Out'' Action!

 Israel has decided once and for all to make sure the October 7th slaughter against unarmed Israel citizens and others, killing more than 1300 men, women and children, including babies in arms, an attack beyond anything mankind has seen for all time immoral!

The attack is to eliminate any survivors of the bombing of the Hamas gathering of leadership personnel and any other group that is or might be poised to attack in into Israel in retaliation.

Iran is not sure what to do next now as they are waiting to see what going to happen in the United State's preidenial election. If Kamomala wins, Iran will probably attack Israel, but if Trumps wins, the consequences coming from Trump will be significant and destructive for Iran.

The Hamas and Hezbollah leadership was virtually eliminated!

The war will not end well for those who wish to take 
from others their lives and land!

The Constitution IS The Law of The Land : Alexander Hamilton

 The founding fathers understood how important it is to have a set of rules that will establish and protect the civil society. They knew from experience of dealing with a governing body without any restraints fostered only confusion and ultimately knew chaos would result.

So, after 250 years that we have existed, building the most powerful country on earth, it has now been discussed and determined the Constitution of the United States is no longer needed to rule the land.

It has been discussed over several decades, that those in power today and firmly believe, they have what is needed to govern without an enchant piece of paper, written centuries ago has little or no bearing on a modern twenty first century for civilizing a society.

And again, we have witnessed in history how that has worked out effectivity to govern the masses. 

But pay no attention to any of that as the modern man understands how to make a centralized government authority work for the people to innovate and therefore prosper.

''If it is asked, what is the most sacred duty and the greatest source of our security in a Republic? The answer would be an inviolable respect of the Constitution and laws.''

Alexander Hamilton - A founding father!