Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Tucker Carlson's Interview With Putin : A Fool On Parade!?

Again, it's just a matter of perspective on the meaning of words and how they can be used to convey a message that people can understand. Some people are better at it than others, but the problem is some people, actually many people today have no idea what the subject is but agree anyway. 

Marxist progressives rely on many in the general public to be sleepwalking and therefore easily lead.

In reality, they aren't paying attention to what is going on around them and how that will affect their collective lives.

When living in an intellectual darkness all their lives, no amount light that is introduced will make them see their understanding of life is fraudulent and will be their undoing. 

When ignorance is bliss why be wise. democraaat leadership understand their people!

The ravings of the democraaats on this interview was and
still is nearly all consuming. Carlson is just too easily duped
 by such a clever communist! He just isn't as sharp as
any democraaat!

They are singing to the choir as directed by their choir leader 
on center stage! But the choir knows the song and the 
words no matter what the leader say or does with his baton.
They are all democraaats! All good soldiers!!

democraaats understand communist world leaders as they
come from the same ideology! Tucker is a fool to believe
he will ever be able to communicate American ideals to 
such a progressive socialist like Putin!

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