Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Transformation! : It's A Matter of Degrees!?

 How many people that you know became different people when they finally completed their education? How many people are still after years of walking the streets have not found any sold ground but only sinking sand?

Some thought they were on the path for success just walking out the door covered with ivy. and others were very disappointed and conflicted to find the real world was not a nice and warm place where they wanted to continue the fantasy they knew and loved while cloistered among the intellectual ignorant.

In truth it was amazing and an eye opener for me as well. So many things that we believe are a given in actual life are not there and never have been, it was all wishful thinking, a brain washing effect by people that never could let go of the fantasy.

You saw them every day in school but didn't really know 
them! Hell, you didn't care about them! It wasn't about
them, it only about you!

Still walking the streets looking and waiting for others
to show them the way!

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