Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Progressive Socialist Pelosi : Illegals Aren't Illegal

What exactly do Progressive socialist liberal left democrats want? Is it possible that the real reason that democrats are they way they are is because they have no idea of who they really are? That may sound convoluted but the simplest answer to a question is usually the correct one.

To most progressive socialists, their collective thinking is similar to how and where they live in real life, behind brick walls and gates, guarded by people with guns to protect them. And their thinking about all those that are on the other side of the wall is influenced by that security of knowing they are secure no matter what they say or do?

But why are progressive democrats so interested in making sure a wall to protect the entire country is not a good thing? That people that are here illegally are not illegal but right full people to accept any and all benefits awarded to citizens?

In the final analysis, when the horde of illegals undented that they want to live in a gated community like their benefactors, the walls and guards will not protect the progressive socialists. The ideology of privilege will not help when others want what you have.

Irresponsibility is not possible in the gated communities. 

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