Wednesday, May 18, 2016

NC Senator Respons to Mr Ogbjma's Bathroom Dictate : It's Appaling! (Video)

What the Ogbjma administration has done to take away the rights of millions to accommodate the 'feelings and personal beliefs of a minority' alone trumps the rights and beliefs of the majority.

How is it that one man can dictate to hundreds of millions of people how they must react to his personal agenda and personal ideology? Just where does he get this much power to deny the rights to one group and guarantee the rights of others? Who the hell is this guy??

As Mr Ogbjma has stated on many occasions, ''this isn't who we are'' and yet he ignores the very principle that he invoked to make other points he believes are important. As a very small minority, the LGBT individuals have a right to what they believe is best for them, but they don't have a license, a right to demand all others believe they way they do.

How can the few deny their personal rights of the many to freedom of choice.

NC Lawmaker Calls Obama Administration’s Bathroom Bill Attacks ‘Appalling’
Kelsey Harkness / /     

RALEIGH, N.C. — A North Carolina state senator fired back at U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch after she compared the state’s bathroom bill to Jim Crow laws and likened it to state-sponsored discrimination.

“Frankly, I find it appalling that someone from North Carolina would work so hard to hurt the state where she’s from,” state Sen. Buck Newton, a Republican, told The Daily Signal in an interview Thursday. “I can’t conceive of a scenario where if I were in her shoes, even if I felt strongly about the policy that she’s trying to pursue, that I would go about it this way.”

Newton called Lynch’s words “extremely detrimental” and said he believes that the Obama administration is being unreasonable in its demands to allow transgender individuals into opposite-sex restrooms, showers, and locker rooms.

“We live in a country where people’s feelings and people’s rights have to be balanced between other people’s feelings and rights,” Newton said.

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