Thursday, May 19, 2016

History of Communication : The Future Looks Grim

Amazing                                                           aspects of the                                                           worldThe more things change the more they stay the same - you can run but you can't hide. The world has changed forever?

Once we were all about looking to the future for competition and innovation, and how we can join the rush to excellence. Heads up, back straight and spirits bright.

Now we have a morbid infestation of self that abhors a connection to the outside world that threatens our fantasy of self-worth that is based on information found on a 3X5 screen.

Where ever happened to having eye contact and a good word of greeting with our fellow passengers in daily living?

What does this portend for the future of human interaction with the demise of personal communication?

Can existence really be reduced to just being informed by others from who knows where and why?


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