Sunday, May 29, 2016

America's Freedom to Chose : God Bless Those That Gave All For Us

Why is love of country seen as a weakness to so many outspoken pundits in the main stream media?

During the next two days it seem appropriate to put aside the riggers of the day and reflect on just how blessed we are to be living in America, and how it all came to be.

Anything that's worth having always has a price tag, and for us living in the greatest county in the world the price has been the sacrifice of good people that believe making the ultimate decision to put themselves in harms way to secure a place in freedoms embrace for others, can never be unappreciated or forgotten.

On this Memorial day, there isn't much we, the benefactors of others standing guard every where in the world, that we can do or say to recognize these people that in many case have made the ultimate sacrifice, giving their lives of us back home. How do you tell them we understand what you have done for us with their sacrifice other then to stand up on this day, face the our flag which represents who we are and what so many before us have died to preserve, and declare our allegiance to our country that guarantees our freedoms as a right by law for everyone to enjoy.

While most countries around the world are in some kind of turmoil and chaos these days, all we have to worry about in America is what we will have for dinner or what's on television tonight. Even the poorest in America have so much more then millions of other people around the world that live with fear and hunger.

But here in America we have all of the things that make life worth while. Free speech, freedom of movement without government intervention, freedom to choose our next decision on how we will conduct our lives under the law.

We in America are blessed to have a document that guides us, which is in no small part a gift from God, our Constitution. I also believe our Constitution is second only to the Bible as a defining instrument for success and survival that no other nation on earth has, and it works for everyone that  believes in personal freedom to choose ones own destiny as the single most important aspect making America that shining city on the hill that everyone from around the world sees as salvation from corruption and pestilence. Little wonder so many want to come to America.

So with all this in mind, take some time to reflect on our blessings, no matter who you are or what you are experiencing, one has to realize without living in America everything would so much worse.

As the saying goes, and I love this so much I use it here as a defining statement at the head of this blog, ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose''.

God bless you and your family, and God bless our great country, The United States of America.

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