Tuesday, March 08, 2016

What Is Home Land Security Hiding : Mark Meadows Wants Answers (Video)

Wait a minute - why does the congressman have to ask for "accurate" numbers of immigrates that have overstayed their visas??? 

Does this imply that the department of Home Land Security is lying about the number of those that have overstayed their visas, and if so, what about other areas that Home Land Security department has the responsibility for that they are not telling the truth to the American public and why?
What about the number of illegals coming across the boarder everyday? How many Muslims from war torn areas are coming into the country that Mr Objma has told us about??? Is Jeh Johnson putting our country at risk for a national disaster? Is Jeh Johnson just another dupe doing what ever it takes  for Mr Objma and ideology of fundamental change for America.   

Rep. Mark Meadows: House Panel Demands Accurate Numbers on Visa Overstays
Genevieve Wood / /     
A House watchdog committee has demanded that the Department of Homeland Security produce accurate statistics on the persons who each year stay in the United States longer than their visas allow, some of whom conceivably pose a threat of terrorism, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., told The Daily Signal.

Some experts say the annual number of so-called visa overstays is far higher than the 500,000 the agency reported most recently, Meadows said, and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is determined to get better statistics.

“The numbers that are out there are understated,” Meadows told me in an on-camera interview Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, revealing the committee’s letter to DHS was to go out that day.
“It only took a few visa-overstay people to take down the twin towers,” he added, referring to some of the terrorists who plowed two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center on 9/11.

An estimated 40 percent of those in the United States illegally first entered legally by visa, then stayed longer than permitted–they overstayed their visas.

Watch the video for the details and to hear what Meadows, a member of the panel, said will happen if DHS doesn’t produce the requested reports.



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