Friday, March 25, 2016

The Ogbjma Legacy of Repent & Be Saved : 'The One' Is Here

Death and destruction is just part of the ideology that is necessary to complete the transformation of society that has wronged the rest of the world. Now it time for the United States to welcome the unrest to America that others are suffering now due to our legacy of superpower status.

It's not fair that so many around the world must suffer while we, in America, live the good life. Mr Ogbjma's passive but relentless attack on America's heritage of individual freedom is not by accident, it is his belief that we must pay a price for our success as individuals, just as his father fought against the British imposing rules and restriction his ideology of communism, which explains his distaste for the British, so we now must come to heel and repent of our past sins.

Personal heritage is a factor in all activity. In Mr Ogbjma's case, 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.'

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