Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Truth In The 'New Wave' Government : AG Refers to FBI On Exxon's Free Speech

It appears our country has actually been transformed without most of us ever knowing what happened, that is until you want to take a stand that is in opposition to the 'new wave' agenda and mentality.

No? Ask Exxon/Mobil about free speech and climate change. AG Loretta Lynch has some news for you. She has 'referred' the case against Exxon for saying climate change is unprovable but still made some moves to prepare for the possibility, to the FBI for 'possible' crimes against Exxon under racketing laws. You do get the insidious implication here, right?

Just imagine, the Attorney General of the United States proclaiming free speech as being against the law because it conflicts with progressive ideology, and those speaking must be jailed for opposition to a held progressive socialist liberal democrat philosophy for man-made climate change.

Loretta Lynch did this and in front of a congressional committee. How did this happen that our government has turned against the people?


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