Saturday, January 02, 2016

Climate Change IS About Power & Control : Ideology About All

Electric Cars
The thing that amazes me is that so many among us cannot connect the dots when it comes to the totally insanity of environmentalists that claim climate change is destroying the planet? And that the environmental fascists demand that we become a third world dumpster to prove we really care about the planet.

The environmentalists, of course, will not live in the dumpster like the rest of us, no they will live in the shining city on the hill as the dumpster people need someone to control them and show them the error of their ways.

But, we the people, for the most part, are not fooled, we know that it's about the money and their power to demand obedience to that power.
Again, the absolute denial of what the people want by the White House, Mr Objma and the progressive socialists liberal democrats included, that Mr Objma wants all fossil fuel generation facilities to be shut down and replaced with solar panels and wind mills begs the idea that Mr Objma really doesn't care about the planet or what the public wants.

What this means is Mr Objma is not one of us. He not from around here. The progressive socialist liberal democrats do not represent us as a nation. Their agenda is not founded under our Constitution. Opposition to their progressive agenda cannot be tolerated. Their agenda, ideology, is that the opposition people are the enemies of state.

Mr Objma does not like the American people as they are too stupid to see his brilliance and foreign based ideology, and how his Eastern progressive socialist magnanimous agenda is what's best for them.

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