Thursday, January 14, 2016

NRA's Wayne laPierre On Mr Objma's Gun Agenda : Mr Objma Isn't Serious

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The National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre has finally come out and taken a stand against the biggest threat that faces us today and that's the president of the United States. Mr Objma is truly dedicated to his ideology and there isn't anything that will deter him from this task.

Here is just one item that begs some thought; how is it possible that Mr Objma believes the Iranian nuclear deal will be an asset to his legacy when it will in all likely hood begin a nuclear war and it will happen far sooner then he or Kerry ever thought?

Do you think that maybe he has another agenda running that doesn't have anything to do with a legacy? Even more to the point, what has he down on anything that has be beneficial to America?

By the way, what exactly is the definition of domestic terror, and what does it take to be a domestic terrorist?

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