Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Who's On First? : The democrat Infighting Jerk Even Further Left!

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The progressive socialist liberal democrats are condemned to chaos
and conflict for the future. There is no turning back!
What a deal. It's just that if this was a Republican situation the progressive socialist liberal democrat media would be howling with glee, encouraging the nightmare to be ramped up.

It would be an 'all hands on deck' to drive the combatants to further chaos and conflict to inflict has much disorganization and damage as they can among party members and leadership.

The fake news media would be apophatic! The hate would be seen at new levels like never before.

And where are the Republicans, sitting back and just watching, waiting for the fall-out among the progressive far left liberal socialists, ''Neo-communists'', but should be attacking this hypocrisy as a-typical of progressive socialist liberal democrats that know nothing but hateful rage and disfunciton.

Of course, never vote for delusion and contemptuous behavior. Never vote democrat!! They are here to destroy the country as founded!!

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