Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bernie Sander's Socialism Is Milk-Toast : ''Gruesome Foursome'' Plus democrats Demand More!

Again, Bernie calls it socialism, but in reality it is communism. So think of the saying about a rose and how by any other name it's still a rose. The same applies to socialism no matter the name that is attached.

What it means, some must rule while all others must obey or be punished. and it's not just taking from the rich, the socialist take from everyone!

And what is really frightening to most of us down here in the trenches is most of the progressive liberal socialists are even further to the left then Bernie. Bernie might now be considered a moderate!

Bernie admits he's a communist, hell he went on his honeymoon in Moscow! Come on guys, really!

Bernie says nothing wrong with owning three homes in three
states and a bank account with millions of dollars. What's 
not right is someone else with three homes and millions of dollars!

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