Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Socialism Brings Fairness and Equality : Just Do What You Are Told!

Here is the story of the day, Americans have no clue! With all of the progressive socialist liberal democrat candidates and nearly all of the university professors demanding we give up capitalism as it apparently isn't fair enough, that is, the elite democrats believe they aren't getting a big enough share.

Hard work and focus on making a living with your own two hands isn't fair. But just imagine living in Venezuela the next time you step into a store on main street with everything that you want to make your life better, but in socialist, communist Venezuela there is nothing except chaos and catastrophic failure!

A socialist paradise!!! Trust us they say, we can make it work. We are smarter then all those other attempts at achieving the socialist utopias from history.

Now go back and think about what the democrats are telling us and what they are saying about how rewarding their socialistic plans are and how everything will be so much better for all of us. But what they intend for us, as we that have any common sense of history know, socialism is harmful and destructive. It is not fair and never intends to be fair, yet millions believe.

They have to know this, right? Or maybe not. Maybe they have the same disease that Hugo Chavez had and now Maduro now who runs and has destroyed Venezuela. How about Chairman Mao? How about Cuban socialist, communist Castro? Does it really matter if you have to live on your knees? Standing up right with your back straight isn't all it'd carped up to be, right?

After a while, living at the command of others is just something to get use to. As Cubans how cool it is.

Food and all that we have under capitalism and much, much more is there for the asking. But it isn't not enough. The democrats want it all under their control or you must be reeducated.

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