Friday, June 28, 2019

Men Of God? : Reverend Sharpton And Jackson.

Exactly what does it mean to  be men of God? Can we judge them by their history as part of the clergy working to better the lives of everyone? Is it right that the rest of us judge them or shuold we just compare them to others in the profession of bring lost souls back from the brink of destruction?

Do we have a right to judge them? The Lord did say ''Judge not lest you be judged''.  Still, we are all human and therefore weak in dedication to higher principles. But what will history say about them and will those that write the history be 'fair and balanced'.

So far their extensive history has already been written by their own actions and deeds. Now only time will tell how the story ends. Judgement day will be a revelation and it probably will come sooner rather then later for these two.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have shown us all over the 
decades who they are and what they intend for society.

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