Sunday, June 16, 2019

Joe Biden's 40 Years In Congress Means What? : Is He Ready?

What seperates the fool from the idiot? What separates the normal from the abnormal and the irrational? Can it be that once immerged into a particular situation for a near life time, normal behavior as described by society, no matter what that description is no longer exists for old government employees?

Is this Joe Biden? Think of this, 40 years in government service where responsibility doesn't exist. Working eveyday in Washington was an excerise in comedy and nonsense. Nobody really cares what they say or do. The truth is something that is fluid. Right from wrong is just a matter of two minutes in front of cameras.

Then let the good times roll! Just more fun and games.

Now ask yourself why Ol' Joe is floundering in a society of 24/7 sound bites has found him irrelevant? His collective, his political caucus is saying he is unqualified to lead. The old ways of doing business is unacceptable.

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