Monday, May 27, 2019

The Pledge of Allegiance Scorned : It's Racist And White Nationalism Based!?

What is the freedom to chose worth?
The question that remains here is what has happened that so many people have decided that America and her history are of no consequence!

People that hate themselves for being born in such a terrible country?

What in their up-brining, at this point in time has had such an enormous effect on their personal sensibilities and common feeling for their environment of personal freedom and liberty to hate and despise their own existence?

Is it just the ''I hate America'' environment in California that makes people find their very existence a sinister existence? Or are there the same people in Colorado, or Arizona or Illinois or most of the East and West coast, are depraved and with a debauchery as a life of self-service and pathetic ignorance totally unaware of how the rest of the nation that loves this country and what it stands for sees them? 

Especially knowing how the rest of us understands who went before us in service to this country and what it means to live in the greatest country in the world with personal freedom and liberty to find our own destinies.

On this special day, Memorial Day, when we remember those that gave 'their last full measure' so the rest of us, that remained behind can live without fear and oppression. Is it really too much to say thank you, and not only today but every day that we have the freedom to chose????? 

Is it so difficult to say the pledge of allegiance to a flag that stands for freedom and to respect all those that died to make sure it remained flying high and strong as a symbol of pride in what has gone before? Two hundred and forty years of find our way, struggling and working to greatness in life and living a respectable life for everyone?

Are these individuals that unabashedly show their contempt for our fallen heroes and for all of the special privileges we enjoy everyday just stupid or are they mentally incapable of any kind of rational thought to their collective behavior? 

Remember the lyrics to the son, Me And Bobby McGee, "Freedom means having nothing else to lose''!! Who are these people? Why are they so contemptuous of freedom?  Fools all!

My Fight for 1 College to Say the Pledge of Allegiance
Celeste Barber / May 24, 2019

It’s important for me to stand up for our flag and have the right to say the Pledge of Allegiance, not demand it, for others to say it, but for me to have the right, because I’m an American.

My name is Celeste Barber, and I happily taught 20 years as an English instructor at Santa Barbara City College in California.

My story begins when I realized that the Santa Barbara City College board of trustees had discontinued saying the Pledge of Allegiance. I wrote to the president, requested it be brought back. He wrote back informing me that he had intentionally taken the pledge off the agenda because it was rooted in racism, white nationalism, and nativism

I decided to show up at the next board of trustees meeting with a flag, because I didn’t know if we’d still have a flag there, and I gave them my reasons why I recite the pledge. Then at the end, I recited the Pledge of Allegiance. During that time, I was heckled and harassed, and feet stomped.

Watch the video :

It was led first by one particular faculty member, and then others joined in with her, staff members, and then eventually the students joined in. These were my own colleagues. No one among the people up there stood up for me, told them to stop what they were doing. My own peers, people who teach, work at our local community college.

Respect for our flag is under attack nationally, and the worst thing that we can do as American citizens is to be complacent. I would urge parents, grandparents, taxpayers to inquire: What’s going on at your child’s school? Are they saying the pledge? Are they singing a patriotic song?

Go to your local board meeting, city council, county supervisors. Are they reciting the pledge? Are they respecting our traditions? And if not, demand that they bring them back.

For me, being an American is precious. We have freedoms in this country that no other country, even Europe, no other nation on earth has, notably in the Bill of Rights.

And darn it, I will stand up and I will respect our flag. I taught my son to do so, and my grandchildren do. I love our flag, and you can’t stop me from saying it.

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