Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Interview Podcast With Joe DeGenova : The NSA Has The Hillary Emails?

Okay, this is incredable, breath taking in it's scope. Is this fact or just opinion based on his contacts in the industry?

Here is a interview with Joe DeGenova on the insanity of the FBI, the CIA in accordance with the DOJ as to how corrupt they are and have been at least since 2012.

According to DeGenova, it is all out war now with Bill Barr at the DOJ and the FBI and CIA. Maybe the NSA as well.  And with the release of the secret memos into the hands of Bill Barr, all we are going to see now from the FBI and the CIA are assholes and elbows heading for the exits.

Oh and DeGenova say he believes the NSA has Hillary's Emails! Yikes!!

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