Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Explains Her Walls : Little People Don't Need Them

When walls are immoral it mostly depends on what side of the 
wall you are standing behind.

And then speaking from behind the wall protecting her estate from bad people, she says walls are immoral and ineffective. A wall on the border to protect the population will not work for small people because they live in so many different places and have little or nothing to protect! Why not spend the money here when the country needs money for universities, Planned Parenthood, food stamps and for building walls in foreign countries to protect mass killers and tyrants from the people with pitch forks outside to the gates screaming of justice? Sound familiar? Then Nancy Pelosi still says walls are immoral and in effective. hmmmm -- Does she have a reason why a wall doesn't work for us but they work for her? hmmmm -- again. Little wonder the progressive socialist liberal democrats are enemies of the people. They mean to do us harm by design. They mean all, black, brown, white and everyone in between. The progressive democrats hate is unbiased and unlimited.

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