Saturday, January 26, 2019

What's Worse And Offensive? : A MAGA Hat or A Vagina Hat?

It's really easy to understand why the MAGA hat is offensive to progressive socialist liberal democrats. They believed their hat, the vagina hat was and should be the center of attention. But now, it appears that the vagina  last lost ground to a country. 

Is there something wrong with that? 

Hey, there has to be something wrong when an entire country is some how offensive, but a bunch of people wearing hats that depict a female body part, speaking to a crowd saying they want to blowup the White House is not offensive to people.

But wait there's more. If you find the pink hat offensive, as well as their rhetoric of hate, you are a racist, a bigot and a hatemonger, and of course a Republican and Conservative. Horrors beyond comprehension.

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