Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Progressives March Calling Trump Hitler : They Identify Themselves As Morons

There appear to be some clarity among the ranks of the mentally tortured democrats. I think this is a poster child moment to be savored and kept on hand when you have a weak moment thinking these disciple of ignorant neurotic depraved behavior might be considered actually being normal human beings instead of progressive socialist liberal ''new wave Marxists'' robots, puppets of disease leadership.

Yeah, yeah, I know, this is probably photoshopped but still it works well for identifying the mentally sick that inhabit our civil society. 

And given there isn't much to laugh about these days with all of the lunatics spewing hate for our Constitution and our country,  it's good for a laugh. 

No, you aren't just a moron, but a very vicious pathological sick puppet of the
progressive left deprave socialist democrats.

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